Our Commitment to you


Welcoming back guests to The Birch Hotel has never been far from our mind, and since we closed the doors back in March we haven’t lost hope of this being a reality in the summer months.

The positives in the past fourteen weeks have been the ability to concentrate on replenishing the hotel, making improvements where needed and focusing on how and what re-opening will look like for the team and our guests alike.

We realise that for many there are some concerns when it comes to staying at a hotel but rest assured our main objective is to ensure that you can ‘Escape with Confidence’ and with this in mind we invite you to read all about the preparations and procedures that we have implemented.

We look forward to welcoming you back to The Birch Hotel soon.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic we have enhanced our exacting standards to a new level across all aspects of our hotel operations.

The changes we have implemented are based on the guidance we have received from HM Government, Public Health England and the National Health Service, supported by industry specific advice from UK Hospitality.

We can confirm that we have complied with the government’s ‘COVID-19 Secure’ guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. Due to the constantly changing nature of this guidance and advice, our internal operating practices and protocols will be continuously reviewed and immediately updated. The information detailed below may therefore change without notice.

As we are managing a Public Health issue, we expect the full support and co-operation of all of our guests, our team and our business partners. Only through our collective efforts can we successfully combat the spread of COVID-19 and keep each other safe and healthy.



Our Team

  • Temperature checks will be taken daily before entering the building
  • All team members will be required to wash their hands (or use hand sanitiser) every 20 minutes
  • All team members will be required to stay at home if unwell
  • All team members will be required to follow official guidance on self-isolating
  • All team members will be required to wear PPE as appropriate
  • The team will follow a policy of no physical contact and maintain physical distancing, wherever possible


Our Valued Guests

  • You will be asked to complete a health questionnaire upon arrival
  • Please respect the social distancing measures that have been put in place
  • We have cleaned and sanitised your bedroom with extra care and attention
  • We have removed non-essential and high touch items to minimise as much risk as possible
  • Please use your bedroom toilet rather than toilets in the public area
  • Please wash your hands when returning and also when departing from your bedroom
  • Cash will not be accepted, unless arranged by prior agreement
  • Due to the COVID-19 restrictions currently in place, some of our services and facilities are unfortunately limited or may not be available
  • You can contact the Duty Manager at any time prior to, and during your stay, should you have concerns related to this or any other matter


Our Hotel

  • The highest food safety standards will continue to be maintained
  • Room service will be provided at no extra cost, service is restricted to delivery to the bedroom door
  • Social distancing measures will be in place in all public areas
  • A one way system throughout the hotel will be implemented where possible
  • Signage will be displayed in all public areas to reinforce social distancing messages
  • An enhanced cleaning programme in public areas with an increased frequency in disinfection of high touch areas will be implemented
  • Hand sanitising stations will be provided in key public areas (front desk, restaurant, toilets)
  • Additional disinfection will be in place for high touch room and bathroom areas (Door knobs, TV Remote, picture frames)
  • The Duty Manager is our designated, responsible contact for all staff and guests’ COVID-19 related queries



  • For walk-in bookings, you will be required to give your contact details on arrival at the restaurant
  • We have reduced the number of tables in the dining rooms and expanded our outdoor spaces and food offerings
  • We have established strict table/chair sanitisation procedures between guest seating
  • We have suspended all buffets. Breakfast will be available from a limited à la carte menu
  • There will be more ‘grab & go’ options available
  • Salt and pepper shakers will be removed and available on request. They will be sanitized after each use
  • We will not accept cash payments unless arranged by prior agreement
  • Room service will be provided at no extra cost, service is restricted to delivery to the bedroom door
  • We will have wipe able menus which will be sanitised after each use


Our teams’ commitment to you

  • All team members are required to:-
    • Stay home when unwell
    • Practice good personal hygiene including regular hand washing
    • Maintain social distance
    • Wear PPE where appropriate
    • Follow the company’s COVID-19 secure operating procedures
  • We have staggered our team’s shifts and days of service and have reduced the total staff count
  • Our team have and will receive ongoing training
  • Our team have new “no contact” protocols – including handshakes


Finally, we ask that as a guest at The Birch Hotel you commit to: 

Complete your Guest Health Questionnaire upon arrival.

If in the unfortunate case, you have any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste and smell, we ask that you contact us, and allow us to reschedule your stay.

It is important to note, that for the safety of our guests and the safety of our team, that any guests displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be requested to seek medical attention. Should you be advised to self-isolate, we request that you check out immediately and return home. You will be refunded the balance of your stay or be able to modify your booking.

We ask that everyone respects the 1m+ social distancing guidance, not because we don’t love you…but because we do!

And finally, please treat our team and your fellow guests with kindness and respect; this is a difficult time for us all.

We can’t wait to see you soon. Travel safe and stay well.



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